After your eyelid biopsy, you may have an occasional bloody tear or tearing eye for the rest of the day. Feel free to dab with tissues if needed or use more ointment. You may see a scab area at the
biopsy site that should resolve within 1-2 weeks.
To follow up with results you may be contacted via phone or you may be told in person at a follow up appointment, depending on the situation. If there are any questions not answered here, do not
hesitate to call our office at 801-685-3398.
Your vision may be blurred and out of focus after surgery until you are able to stop using your ointment, swelling resolves and your eye(s) heal. Your eyes may be dry or irritated and using artificial
tears (preservative-free), which are available over the counter, can help with this.
Using your eyes will not harm them, so feel free to read, watch TV, use the computer, etc. as desired. Driving depends on each individual, so check with Dr. Eftekhari if you have questions
about driving. Feel free to shower the same day as your biopsy as needed.
You will be given a prescription for antibiotic ointment to use twice a day for 5-7 days. This will be sent to the pharmacy on file, so please ensure this is correct.
If you experience SEVERE EYE PAIN/HEADACHE UNRELIEVED BY TYLENOL, NAUSEA/VOMITING, or WORSENING REDNESS/VISION (especially vision that was initially better), please call Dr. Eftekhari at Call (801) 685-3398 or 801-328-2522.
Watch closely for changes in your health and be sure to contact our office if you have any problems